Healthy skin is vital to keeping your tattoos looking fresh for longer. Following these top tips will assist in skin health before, during healing and long after your tattoos have been completed. As the largest organ of the body it is primarily responsible for acting as a barrier against mechanical impacts, pressure, temperature, micro-organisms, radiation…
Your guide to tattoo healing using Four Tattoo Care
What stages of healing will my tattoo go through? Your tattoo will go through a variety of stages to heal fully. When your tattoo is first finished there will be redness, swelling and weeping of a cloudy plasma fluid. This can last for around a week or so. The scab will begin to form by…
Four Tattoo Care guide to your skin type
Your skin type will vary across your body and when having a tattoo it is important to choose the right care, giving your skin tailored nutrients for perfect healed results. Here we have your comprehensive guide on how to identify your skin type for your next tattoo. Understanding the different skin types for tattooed skin…